Window Tint

  • Reduces GlareReduces the sun’s glare, enhancing visibility and reducing eyestrain
  • Heat reduction
  • Blocks solar heat radiation to keep vehicle at a comfortable temperature and improve fuel efficiency
  • UV Ray Protection
  • Provides SPF 500 protection that effectively blocks over 99% of harmful UV rays that can lead to numerous skin cancers, premature aging and skin cell damage.
  • Crystal Clear Signal
  • Contains no metalized particles ensuring that it does not interfere with radio, cellular, or Bluetooth signals.
  • Looks good
  • The black or neutral charcoal color in our XPEL PRIMETM CS window films remains the same over the years and never fades or turns purple.

XPEL XR Ceramic

  • Ceramic Particle Technology
  • Contains ceramic particles that filter out the sun’s infrared radiation – making it more effective than traditional metallized or dyed films
  • Superior Heat Rejection
  • Ceramic particle technology blocks the vast majority of the sun’s heat-causing infrared radiation- keeping vehicle interior cool and improving fuel efficiency
  • UV Ray Protection
  • Provides SPF 1,000 protection that effectively blocks over 99% of harmful Ultraviolet rays that can lead to numerous skin cancers, premature aging and skin cell damageGreater Clarity
  • In the past, keeping cool meant darker shades. This ceramic technology allows the highest performance without sacrificing clarity and color
  • Crystal Clear Signal
  • Nano-ceramic particle technology does not interfere with radio, cellular, and Bluetooth signals like traditional metallized films